
Questionei o Prabhu Pralahdesha Das da seguinte forma:
"...as escrituras dizem que as saídas catastróficas são inauspiciosas, não poderíamos considerá-las como: "missão cumprida", "karma" ou coisa que o valha.
Alguém que abandona o corpo de uma forma abrupta teve o seu processo interrompido?
E quem sai muito cedo?
Ao estudarmos as escrituras védicas passamos a encarar a morte de uma forma menos assustadora, contudo, não menos dolorosa, é claro, pois a idéia não é de tornarmos-nos insensíveis, mas de prepararmos- nos para este momento. Portanto, sentimo-nos inadequados em pedir ao Senhor que prolongue esta ou aquela vida, pedimos sim, que seja feita sempre a Sua vontade.
Prolongar a vida neste mundo só vale a pena para aqueles que têm coinsciência da necessidade da auto-realizaçã o, para os que buscam resgatar a sua relação com o Supremo?"
Ele comentou o seguinte:
De acordo com a visão de Jaya Tirtha Charan Prabhu, uma morte fora do tempo faz com que alguém habite uma forma de fantasma ao invés de um corpo grosseiro como o nosso. Morte fora do tempo significa uma morte prematura, como num acidente, doença, suicidio, etc (existe uma lista no Sri Garuda Purana,20). Algo que interfere com a duração normal da vida. Alguém pode acertadamente argumentar que certamente estas interrupções devem-se ao Karma daquela pessoa, e portanto num sentido não é fora do tempo, mas que é merecido.Isto é bem verdade, mas ao mesmo tempo, quando uma alma condicionada que sofre e está despreparada para este tipo de morte, tal falta de conhecimento acerca do que se está a passar é muito fora do tempo.A seguir o Capítulo 20 do Sri Garuda Purana: (Desculpem em inglês)"Functions of the departed soul."
Garuda Purana Part 2. chapter 20.
Garuda said:
1. Having obtained a new body where does a preta shelter ?Released from pretahood, where does he go to live in ?
2 - 3. Passing through torments in hell which number eighty four lakhas, and guarded by Yamaraj and his thousand attendants, how do the pretas get released and how do they roam about this mortal world ?
The Lord said:
4.O king of birds, hear me, I shall tell you about the region where pretas live. Men attain pretahood by stealing other man's riches, by indulging in sexual intercourse with another man's wife or by doing acts of treachery.
5.Having incurred sins, they seek for redemption in their progeny. Being bodiless as well as suffering from hunger and thirst they roam about here and there.
6. Even the captives released from prison are frightened at their sight. They seek for means to kill their kith and kin.
7. They bolt doors on their ancestors, put obstacles in the way of manes, departed for fathers. Like theives, they snatch the manes's food in the way before it reaches them.
8. They like to return to their previous home, stay on the roof and watch the activities of their kin. They enjoy causing disease and grief to their relatives.
9-11. Having asumed a form of changing nature tertian, and such like fevers they cause diseases due to cold or wind, like head ache or cholera. They stay at dirty places like that where refuge is left, and enjoy in the company of other ghosts and partake of the waste foods and drink left out unattended by their hosts.
12. In this way, the sinful pretas move about freely.
Garuda said:
13-14. How do the pretas behave and in what form ?How is it possible to know their attitude, since the pretas do not speak to us? If you are pleased to do me a favour, you clear away my doubts. O Lord, I hear that in the Kali yuga many people become ghosts.
15.The ghost torments his family members through various enemies. While he was in the human form he was affectionate to his relatives, but now in ghost hood he is inimical, and hostile towards them.
16. He who is devoted to Rudra, follows the path of righteousness, honours the Supreme Lord Vishnu and the Devas, satiates guests, speakes the truth and pleasent words, is not tormented by pretas.
17. He who does not observe sacrificial and purificatory rites, who has no faith in the Vedas, hates righteous deeds and indulges in falsehood, is tormented by the pretas. Furthermore by these unrighteous acts one becomes himself a preta in the Kali yuga.
18.From the Satya yuga to the end of the Dwarpara yuga, nobody became a preta nor did anyone suffer from their evil influences.
19-20.It is observed that of many children born of one and the same mother, one child is happy, one is addicted to bad habits, one is blessed with good progeny, one is tormented by pretas, one abounds in wealth, one gets sons who die young, one is burdened with the offspring of many daughters, and one is constantly with daggers drawn towards his relatives. This is all due to the bad intentions of pretas, O Garuda.
21. A woman who remains without husband, but still makes children, or one who becomes barren in life, or gives birth to children that die at an early age, there is loss of wealth and cattle. All these are the sufferings caused by pretas.
22. If there is a sudden change in a persons nature, or a sudden emnity with his relatives, or an unexpected calamity, that suffering should be known to be the doing of a preta.
23.If a person loses faith in religion or if he loses the means of livelihood or if he feels greedy in excess (for food or aquiring material things) or if there is a regular quarell at home, that suffering should be known to be caused by a preta.
24-25.If he slays his parents or reproaches gods/God or the brahmanas and is found guilty of murder and the like, these are all symptoms of pretas.
26.When crops do not grow up, though there are sufficient rains and good soil; when the expenditures go up and income is reduced; when quarrels rise in gravity, and severity, again these should be recognised as the doings of pretas.
27.When on travels to foriegn lands, he is distressed by the onrush of wind, O lord of birds, that suffering is due to pretas.
28.When he associates with the people of low caste or when he performs disreputable acts (lying, cheating, stealing, or worse) or when he is interested in acts of unrighteousness, (meat eating, illicit sex, gambling, intoxication - liquor, drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs) that suffering is due to the influence of pretas.
29.When the hoarded wealth is destroyed by misfortune or when the work in operation bears no fruit (business collapse) or when there is a loss of wealth due to undue taxation or due to fire or theft, that suffering is due to pretas.
30.When an incurable disease sets in, or when children suffer from pain or when a wife suffers immensely, that is also due to pretas.
31.When one loses faith in the Vedas, Smritis, Puranas, and Dharma-shastras, this is also the work of pretas.
32.When one abuses the gods (the Supreme Lord or His Devas), or gurus, brahmins in their presence or absence, that aberration of nature is due to pretas.
33.This is due to pretas and to no other cause when a person suffers from loss of livelihood or break in social position or break in the continuity of lineage.
34.When women suffer an abortion or do not conceive or when the children die at an early age that suffering is caused by pretas.
35.When he does not perform the annual sraddha rites with all sincerity or has no desire or inclination to do so, that is a preta trying to deny the offering to one's manes (forefathers)(...in this way they become more powerful).
36.When on pilgrimage if one indulges in sexual intercourse or neglects his duties or when he fails to prosper though he has done acts of piety - that is the suffering due to pretas.
37.When both husband and wife quarrel at meal times, when there is a strong inclination to harm others, that suffering is due to pretas.
38.When trade does not prosper though he has gone abroad where he lives in separation from wife and family, that is due to preta.
39.When he lives in foreign lands or when he loses his position at home, that is due to pretas.
40. When he is inimical to his people, regards his son as his enemy, when he has no interest in home and feels uncomfortable there, that suffering is due to pretas.
41. When he refuses to obey his parents and has no love for his wife, is of cruel or callous nature, is lost in his own affairs, that suffering is due to pretas.
42. If the funeral rites are not performed in the prescribed way, the soul of the deceased (in rebirth) deviates from the righteous path and falls in the company of the wicked. Then Vrsotsarga is the only rite to redeem him, (the rite of releasing a bull infavour of the deceased).
43.O Garuda, a person becomes a ghost and undergoes the sufferings thereof, if he dies an accidental or untimely death or if his body is not cremated properly.
44.O best of birds, when the descendent knows of all this, he should conduct those rites which may release the deceased from ghosthood. If he does not perform these rites for the ghost then at his own death he in turn becomes a ghost and suffers after death.
45.The person whose house is haunted by a ghost does not feel happy or comfortable. He loses faith, pleasure, devotion, discrimination as well as wealth.
46.His previous good lineage is finished, it breaks either at the third or fifth generation. Moreover hitherto on, in every birth he lives a wretched poor and sinful life.
47.There are people who have fierce, dreadful, disfigured and ghostly appearance, who have no regard or honour for their caste, progeny, parents, or womanfolk, who put on fashions to attract lusty persons, go an unpleasent way and talk loosely. Alas, it is painful to see them suffer, under the force of fate, from the recollection of their past sinful deeds.
O que diz Srila Prabhupada
"Quando uma pessoa morre, é dito que esta morta, mas quando novamente reaparece numa forma subtil que não é visível e ainda assim actua, tal morto é chamado de fantasma.
Os fantasmas são sempre maus elementos, sempre causando uma situação temerosa para os outros.
Temos experiência prática. Eu sei se um fantasma, se você for a uma casa assolada por fantasmas, e cantar Hare Krsna, eles irão embora. Eles não podem tolerar.
Na minha vida tive alguns incidentes como este.
Na minha vida de casado eu estava fazendo negócios em Lucknow. Então havia uma casa, uma grande casa, que valia centenas de Rupias para alugar, mas estava assolada por fantasmas.
Portanto ninguém queria aquela casa.
Eu aluguei-a por 200 Rupias (Risos), uma grande casa.
E eu estava...todos os servos, eles advertiam-me: "Senhor, há um fantasma".
E eu estava a cantar.
O fantasma estava a viver em muitos lugares na casa, principalmente na entrada da casa.
Então eu pude entender, mas continuava a cantar Hare Krsna e fui salvo.
Todos foram salvos." BG 03/02/75
"Aqueles que são muito pecaminosos e apegados a família, casa, vila, País não recebem um corpo grosseiro material feito de elementos materiais mas mantêm um corpo subtil, composto de mente, ego e inteligência.
Aqueles que vivem em tal situação são chamados de fantasmas...
...porque não possuem um corpo grosseiro somente criam distúrbios por desejarem satisfação material." Srimad Bhagavatam 4.18.18
"A palavra Eka Pada, "uma única perna", refere-se aos fantasmas, porque é dito que os fantasmas caminham somente com uma perna." Srimad Bhagavatam 4.29.2
Srila Prabhupada fala sobre isto nos seus escritos.
Alguns exemplos:
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.29.6
Srimad Bhagavatam 7.2.36
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.10.29
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.7.9
"A velocidade da mente é muito grande. Se você tem um corpo material grosseiro, você não consegue ir rapidamente por centenas de quilômetros.
Mas se você estiver no corpo mental, pode ir imediatamente, milhares de quilômetros imediatamente, num segundo.
Portanto, o fantasma, ele pode fazer estas coisas maravilhosas porque...Mas eles não são felizes, porque não tem um corpo grosseiro. Eles querem desfrutar..."
BG 03/12/71
A morte nos Planetas Celestiais
Outro questionamento que nos foi feito:
"É dito no Srimad Bhagavatam, que em Brahmaloka, não há nascimento, doença, velhice e morte. Mas Brahmaloka não é um planeta situado ainda no mundo material? Não é dito que quando Hiranyakasipu pediu as bençãos do Senhor Brahma para ser imortal, ele disse que isso não poderia conceder, pois nem mesmo ele era imortal?"
Novamente com vossa permissão, mais algumas considerações:
"The residents of the material world who enjoy the products of these flowing rivers have no wrinkles on their bodies and no grey hair. They never feel fatigue, and perspiration does not give their bodies a bad odor. They are not afflicted by old age, disease or untimely death, they do not suffer from chilly cold or scorching heat, nor do their bodies lose their luster. They all live very happily, without anxieties, until death."(Srimad Bhagavatam 5.16.25)Parece que a "morte" nos planetas celestiais é completamente diferente de como nós a conhecemos !!!
No Cc Adi 5.22 Srila Prabhupada explica:
"O residentes de Brahmaloka não possuem corpos grosseiros materiais para mudar no momento da morte, mas transformam seus corpos subtis em corpos espirituais e assim entram no céu espiritual."
Fica bem claro que a consciência dos corpos subtis dos habitantes dos planetas celestiais é completamente diferente que a dos Pretas.
Os habitantes de Brahmaloka são muito avançados espiritualmente.
Locais favoritos dos Pretas - Fantasmas de acordo com Jaya Tirtha Caran Prabhu
* Cemeteries - The age of the cemetery doesn't matter but the older it is, the more time it has had to accumulate restless spirits. Why cemeteries? Well there are theories such as they are portals to the other side or that some spirits are drawn to their former bodies.
* Schools - Schools and former sites of schools may have the build up of psychic energies and imprints of all the highly emotional events that have transpired there.
* Theatres - The actors have run the gambit of human emotions inside the walls of a theatre plus many have interesting hauntings attached to them.
* Battlefields - These are great locations simply because of their nature. Many violent deaths in one area will always hold some spirits and psychic energy there.
* Churches - There is a long history of the faithful returning to the church they worshipped at. They may be looking for the salvation they were promised and cannot find.
* Hotels/Motels/Boarding houses - Many dark dealing and highly emotional events take places in these rooms.
* Historic Locations - Many historic buildings, because of their age, have had more time to have spiritsattach to it, or in some cases have spooks directly attached to the goings-on of ancestrial homes etc. These buildings are often open the public and can give you a easy place to start. Many even have known histories of hauntings and you may be able to gain access to the building after hours after speaking with a friendly caretaker(s).
* Scenes of Murderous Crimes - A place where someone was brutally attcked or savagely killed, where the soul was forced prematurely from that body and traumatised due to the attack, the shock, the unknowing, uncertainty of their circumstances and their attachments for their former situation. Such a place makes a good subject.
Como Actuar
Depending on the kind of attack there are various methods or actions to be taken to prevent one from being attacked, or coming under the influence of such ghostly personalities.
If one is healthy, strong, clean, and out of good sadhana with peaceful mind one shouldn't be too much disturbed by such things.
An exception to such a statement could be wherein someone has done some "black works" and fixed a personality to one to purposefully cause a problem in one's life. For this you need to see an expert in nirvaranam (removal), while you maintain the status quo by rigerously chanting the maha mantra, keeping oneself clean, pure of thought, and fixed on the Deity form of the Lord, such as the Shaligram.
There are various shields (kavachas) that practicioners of the tantric arts place upon those suffering, or to ward off in a preventive manner, such as The Hanuman Kavacha, Sudarshan Kavacha, and Nrsimha Kavacha.
For cleansing a house it is nice to perform a shanti homa (fire sacrifice - yajna) in the place and also go through the place chanting Purusha suktam prayers and sprinkling sacred waters from the Ganges, etc. This usually works and moves on a wandering soul, but for those who are more stuborn you again would need the help of a tantrik healer to first identify and then remove the "problem".
Srila Prabhupada esclarece:
"Você mencionou fantasmas. Pela minha experiência, a melhor maneira de remove-los é cantar Hare Krsna muito alto e ter um Kirtana jubilante até que eles saiam.
Na casa do Senhor John Lennon, em Inglaterra aonde eu fiquei em 1969, havia um fantasma.
Mas assim que os devotos começaram a cantar muito alto, ele foi-se imediatamente." BG 03/12/71
Bhagavad Gita 8.24 Significado:
"...Todavia, o devoto em consciência de Krsna pura não teme retornar, mesmo que abandone o corpo num momento auspicioso ou inauspicioso, de maneira fortuita ou esquemática."
Bg 8.26
"Segundo a opinião Védica, há duas circunstâncias em que se pode partir deste mundo - na luz e na escuridão.
Quando parte na luz, a pessoa não volta; mas quando se vai na escuridão, ela retorna.
BG 8.27
"Embora conheçam estes dois caminhos, ó Arjuna, os devotos nunca se confundem. Portanto, fixa-te sempre em devoção."
Significado por Srila Prabhupada
"Aqui, Krsna aconselha Arjuna a não se deixar perturbar pelos diferentes caminhos que a alma pode seguir quando deixa o mundo material.
O devoto do Senhor Supremo não deve se preocupar se vai partir de maneira fortuita ou esquemática.
...A melhor maneira de absorver-se em Consciência de Krsna é estar sempre em harmonia com o serviço prestado ao Senhor e com isto ele irá ao reino espiritual por um caminho seguro, certo e directo."
Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya !!!
Sri Isopanisad 17
"Que este corpo material seja reduzido a cinzas, e que o ar da vida funda-se na totalidade do ar.
Agora, Ó meu Senhor, por favor lembre-se de todos os meus sacrifícios, e porque o Senhor é o beneficiário último, por favor lmbre-se de tudo que eu fiz para o Senhor."
Enviado por Prahladesh Das
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